Sai Seshadri is an Arizona State University alum who currently lives in New York. She is the founder of Women’s Republic, an online platform that aims to give women around the world a voice and allow them to empower one another.
Personal or Professional Goals:
My goal is to help women empower themselves and each other and remind people to give their voice to those who don’t have one of their own.
What’s Your Offering to the World?

I started the Women’s Republic two years ago because I want women to have a voice. The main goal of the website is to allow women to talk about anything that they feel is important. Through this, I hope that they get to empower and educate themselves and also one another. I am also constantly learning through these contributors – each person has such a unique view of the world and so much knowledge to share and I’m grateful to be interacting with different people every day and educating myself through them.
Who/What Inspires You?
The people around me. My friends, my family, and even the acquaintances who I don’t know very well, but continue to support me. They inspire me to be better every day because they have faith in me, because they tell me that they stand behind me.
Help make this world a better and more equal place. I might not be able to change it completely, but even if I make a 0.1% difference, that’s still meaningful.
Favorite Quote:
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” -Audre Lorde